Schrodinger’s Catwalk: The Paradox of Empowerment in Fashion


The attributions to empowerment in fashion has been one sided so far.


Ethics are reduced to a marketing tool to make people buy more.

The fashion industry equated elitist wealthy splurges with social responsibility by reducing the socio-economically marginalised people into under-credited marketing tool.

Ethical lifestyle is now an accessory to make an elitist statement.

Capitalism surpasses its own unethical standards when it commercialised ethics by targeting collective conscience, planting ideas of what’s ethical and setting a price tag so high to establish that being socially ethical is a luxury not everyone can afford. Amusing how cynical elitist egos are disguised as socially concerned personas!



2 responses to “Schrodinger’s Catwalk: The Paradox of Empowerment in Fashion”

  1. Ashagreen_couture avatar

    Wonderful write up but please I love to help out

  2. Jay George avatar
    Jay George

    I can’t agree more with your analysis of the state of elitist hypocrisy in fashion.

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