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When was the last time a billion people came together to decode a lipstick hue? Ever since Aishwarya Rai sported Lavender lipstick at Cannes 2016, lavender is a trending keyword in online shopping for women.
Thanks to 42yr old Aishwarya Rai…. Overnight, lavender is the latest ‘IT’ colour that every fashion and non-fashion folk is talking about in Indian social media. This is probably the first time a lipstick colour churned out such large volume of memes in social media. Whether you liked her choice or not, Ash single-handedly got lavender lipstick trending in Instagram, Facebook & Twitter this week.

Blues are one of the rarest colours to be naturally found in animal kingdom making it one of the trickiest colour to pull off without looking alien. The lavender lipstick that Aishwarya wore completely took away the attention from that gorgeous dress itself. But given the goddess that Aishwarya is, she managed to carry the lavender hue gracefully. But lets be honest, is there a way to wear lavender lipstick without getting compared to Joffrey’s poisoned face in Purple Wedding episode in GOT? Yes! Lavender is an unusual shade and you should be playing with ‘harmony’ instead of ’emphasis’. Emphasis is where one element gets all attention (lips in this case). Harmony is where multiple elements come together to balance a look. The simple trick is to balance the lavender lipstick by wearing something else in shades of purple, blues or lavender itself to achieve harmony. Wear your lavender lipstick with purple dress or lavender handbag… and it’s no longer just about your unusually coloured lips… but a fully balanced look! Of course, this is not the only way to wear lavender lip colour but is one of the easiest way 🙂

6 responses to “Here is A Simple Trick To Pull Off Lavender Lipstick”
This was such a nice trick <3
I really love lavender lip color and I have always thought that it doesn’t work well on me – I must try this tip 🙂 . Another thing I have noticed is hair color has a lot to do with this – I usually have a pale blond hair color and the lavender lippy looks baaadddd on me, but when I dye my hair even a tiny bit darker, for example ginger or light violet, the lavender lip color looks a whole lot better.
Congrats for the LALM feature 🙂I love purple, but I’ve yet to try lavender lips 🙂
Nice article..thnks for sharing the tips
This a wonderful post she should have gone with oxblood lips with that dress instead. BTW loving your new theme! xx
Thank you Pavithra 🙂
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