The shape of circle is often attributed to life. A circle seems way too orderly for the chain of random events that contributed this moment. The circle itself changes direction at every infinite point that make up its circumference. Life also moves to-and-fro, like a pendulum in a binary polar. Sometimes, you are the crow and other times, you are the pole. On some days you are the joke and on other days, you make the jokes. But not everything that goes around comes around. Sometimes you know where the direction takes you but other times you never anticipated what was coming. Some directions have remained consistent and infinite. More directions have seemed arbitrary. As a fashion design student who started this blog, I played my strengths by writing about fashion, design, and trends. By early to mid 2010s with peak commercialisation of fashion blogs, the blog & social media posts were increasingly about shopping, OOTDs, travel, holidays and even gadgets and automobiles. Some fads are clearly necessary to fill the omnipresent voids. Some bridges had to be burnt… and with changing directions of continuity and discontinuity, my own target audience have changed over the years. The primary keywords of the website have changed over time. I’ll never accurately know how the winds move but I am steering the directions with all my ability. Changing directions are a reality check and at this hour, the currents are constantly converging and diverging.
Only thing constant about gender is fluidity.